Simple Coaching Skills
for Parents and Teachers

Wrong 4

Wrong 4

You should read tchow’s comment on “Wrong 3:”

“…At this point, there is no concept of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in one’s head. The challenge of deciding between the two is gone and all I’m left with is raw, unaltered and pure experience…”

That’s exactly what I would like to do here–provide a public forum for sharing of breakthroughs and insights, and in so doing deepen our insights and generate more breakthroughs like that for us all.

One other thing I would love to know from tchow and you is, “To what do you attribute your insights and breakthroughs?” While I have the same opinion of “right” and “wrong” as tchow, it currently rests as an awareness and requires conscious focus to disregard. Somehow he adapted his realizations to everyday life and now lives from them without effort. It’s just how he sees the world. That’s a breakthrough.

The best avenue for me is a kind of extreme acceptance and inquiry into how a belief works for me, as I shared in my Breakfast with Sandy videos. How about you?

Sometimes my unconscious beliefs peek out in conversations with others. For example, a friend just brought up independence. When I started to look at that one today, my first thought was, I don’t have an issue with that, but what the heck, I’ll look. I am already amazed at the awareness it has brought. And as suspected, it is related to my current line of inquiry into “wrong.” So far I can see “wrong” as a super power I use to remain independent, but it’s also my Kryptonite.

BTW, if you’re wondering what this is all about, this blog is far more than a mental exercise (though that’s fun, too). It’s about creating a world where we all can live together at ease and in mutual support with permission to be as great as we knew we were when we were small children, before “wrong” entered our minds.


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