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SWYS Explained

SWYS Explained

Baby in sling carrier

I’ve spoken to the wonderful families at South Austin API a number of times about my award-winning book SAY WHAT YOU SEE. As attachment parents, their commitment to connection is clear. I bring the message that emotional connection depends on much more than proximity. Over the babble and cry of their toddlers and infants, I show them how – often with a child in my arms.

What do you do when you are driving and your toddler’s toy falls out of reach in the back seat? (See interview Part I)

What do you do when you need to change your baby’s diaper and your five-year old wants you to play a game, gets upset, starts pulling diapers from the diaper bag and throws them around? (See interview Part II)

What about the more trying times when you slip into “tornado parenting” and need a way to prevent doing damage? (See interview Part III)

Find the answer to these questions and more as Sonya Feher, leader of the South Austin API interviews me at You can follow Sonya on Twitter @mamaTRUE.

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