Simple Coaching Skills
for Parents and Teachers

Coach Training

Coach Training

“Being heard is more than a basic human need. It’s the key to connecting with our inner greatness and unleashing our full potential.”

— Sandy Blackard

Sandy Blackard Listening to Children on Playground

Have you fallen in love with the Language of Listening® coaching model, tried it, and can’t stop sharing it with others? 

If you have a burning desire to learn all you can about Language of Listening® and want to help us take it to the world as an Authorized Language of Listening® Coach, I can’t wait to meet you!

In January 2023, we launched a new version of our Coaches Training. Our new set of prerequisites allows you to start your training at a more advanced level, spend more time on the transformative aspects of our coaching model and self-coaching approach, and complete your training in one year instead of two.

If becoming part of our Language of Listening® Coaches Network speaks to you, please read the course description below and Contact Us to be added to the early notification list for our next Coaches Training starting in January 2024.

Sandy Blackard, Founder

P.S. If you don’t want to become a coach yourself but do want to deepen your Language of Listening skills, you can contact one of our Authorized Language of Listening® Coaches for private coaching, join their private Facebook communities, take their classes, and/or follow them on social media.

Or, if you know you are ready to jump into my Coaches Training Program, you can start by completing your prerequisites NOW!

2024 Prerequisites (Allow a minimum of 3 months for completion):

    • Complete the online 101 Basic Coaching Skills Course and submit the Study Guide & Clock Hours form for my review. (Study Guide & Clock Hours form is available as a downloadable .pdf in the course. If you fill in your answers using the free Adobe app on your computer or phone, emailing me your completed Study Guide (.pdf) when you complete the course will be simple.)
    • Complete the 8-week online 201 Mastery Class and submit the workbook for each lesson for my review. (Like the Study Guide, if you fill in your answers using the free Adobe app on your computer or phone, emailing me your workbook file (.pdf) when you complete each lesson will be simple. Note: Your payment for this class will be credited toward your Coaches Training fee.)
    • Complete the live or online Landmark Forum (or a similar transformative leadership, self-coaching, or life coach training.)


One-Year Coaches Training Program

Our Coaches Training Program is a distance learning program designed for parents, teachers, coaches, bloggers, or other professionals around the world who are dedicated to using our simple coaching model to bring out the greatness in children and their parents so they can enjoy being right here and right now together. Though designed for parents, the coaching skills learned in our classes and applied in our coaches’ discussion group also apply to personal and professional adult relationships, self-coaching, and team management.

This one-year program is intimate by design. It allows you to spend a full year talking with your trainers (second-generation coach, Betsy Blackard, and me) and the other group members (max. six) in two Zoom calls per month and in our private discussion group on Facebook while completing the full range of Language of Listening classes, including two exclusively for coaches. Additional personal coaching is provided in two private coaching calls; the second private call will replace your final group call and wrap up the year.

[learn_more caption=”How Does the Discussion Group Work?”]

Our private Coaches Training Facebook discussion group is your hub. Full participation supports your training and builds your coaching skills. It’s where you will ask questions, discuss class content, apply the coaching skills you are learning to your life, delve deeper into self-discovery, and exchange supportive coaching with the other members of your group with guidance from Betsy and me.

In our discussion group, you will use our coaching model exclusively to guide all of your interactions with each other. This kind of immersion organically supports your growth and development as a future Language of Listening® instructor and coach.

Having completed the prerequisites, you will already have some experience using our coaching model in Power Playtimes with your own child(ren) or someone else’s. Your experience, interests, curiosity, and concerns will guide your discussions and the coaching Betsy and I provide — the exact same way the future classes and coaching sessions you offer will be guided by your clients’ interests, curiosity, and concerns.

Our coaching method is based on a deep trust in the client’s inner wisdom. Betsy and I will model that in the discussion group and on our calls by following your lead. That guarantees that the coaching and instruction you receive throughout the year will start from right where you are, remain relevant and practical, and help you create the results you want.


[learn_more caption=”2023 Coaches Training Classes:”]

Our Coaches Training takes you through all of our classes at a level designed exclusively for coaches to ensure mastery of all facets of Language of Listening coaching, including the Core Principles behind our Premises. Adopting our Core Principles will make you a Language of Listening Coach for life.

Mastery Class 202 – Play Patterns: Having already completed Mastery Class 201 Power Playtime as a prerequisite, you will deepen your playtime skills and understanding of parent-child dynamics in Mastery 202.

YOU Class 301 & 302: 301 The Art of No Compromise and 302 Self-Coaching will enhance your ability to set boundaries and coach yourself, valuable skills you can use and pass on to your clients in your coaching sessions and classes. After graduation, facilitation of our YOU Class 1 will be possibile when it opens to the public depending on your interest and abilities.

Facilitated review of Mastery Class 201 Power Playtime: In this review, you will step into the role of instructor/coach to respond to each other’s questions and concerns. The opportunity to “teach” will solidify your knowledge of our coaching model, increase your confidence in working with parents, and prepare you to facilitate our online class after graduation depending on your interest and abilities.

Meanwhile, as mentioned above, you will continue to use our coaching model exclusively to guide all of your interactions in the Facebook discussion group and facilitate each other’s and your own breakthroughs using the coaching tools you will be learning in our classes.


[learn_more caption=”What results can I expect?”]

In our classes, calls, and private discussion group, your interests, curiosity, and concerns will guide the discussions and Betsy’s and my coaching responses. By using only Language of Listening coaching skills with each other in the discussion group and on the calls, you will be creating an extraordinary atmosphere of warmth, support, and encouragement that builds strong connections, facilitates exploration, and accelerates personal growth.

As you experience our coaching model in action, not only will your unique strengths unfold and your coaching skills flourish, but you will gain the proof you need to fully trust the Language of Listening coaching model and the premises behind it. It’s one thing to understand it, but completely another to experience it yourself.

Your specific results will, of course, be determined by your individual goals and how you apply what you learn. The more you use the coaching model in your life and in the discussion group during the two weeks between calls, the quicker you will attain your goals.

Graduates consistently report complete satisfaction with the results they achieved during their training. Most add that they got everything they wanted and more! All have seen the benefits spread to their families. Those who have become Authorized Coaches have gone on to help their clients and followers achieve the same. (See testimonials below). But the best proof of concept I’ve seen is the increasing depth of understanding our graduates display as they continue to use our coaching model in their work and family life.

Personal Gains: In general, participants in our Coaches Training Program gain greater confidence in their coaching abilities, feel a deeper connection with their children, and have major breakthroughs in their own personal growth. Spouses are often so impressed, they start using the coaching skills themselves. But the best part is that the children pick up the coaching skills, too, and begin to interact more respectfully with their siblings, friends, and parents! After all, our children do what we do.

Professional Gains: Trainees are welcome to contribute guest posts to our Language of Listening blog, and those with their own blogs are encouraged to begin writing Language of Listening-based posts of their own early in their training. Introductory-level classes can also be created before graduation with our support and supervision.

Leading our Language of Listening classes, developing advanced training programs, and providing authorized coaching services are reserved for graduates. Authorization is governed by license agreements. Active Authorized Language of Listening® Coaches are listed here.

Our Authorized Coaches have designed licensed Language of Listening parent training programs of their own, have authored licensed publications for sale, represent Language of Listening on podcasts and in parenting conferences, offer private coaching services and live training, and host parent discussion groups. Generally, our license agreements require no up-front annual license fee, and royalty rates are set at 10% to help ensure your and our success.


[learn_more caption=”What is the time and financial commitment?”]

The time commitment for the Coaches Training is approx. 6 to 8 hrs/week for one full year – January through mid-December.

Your personalized training includes:

  • Tailored, facilitated presentation of 4 online classes: Language of Listening® Mastery Classes 201 & 202 and our YOU Classes 301 & 302;

  • Participation in 2 live Zoom conference group calls per month (approx. 2 hrs. each) led by Betsy and me*;

  • Two private coaching sessions with Betsy or me (the second session is in lieu of the final group call);

  • Email coaching with Betsy and me as needed;

  • Self-directed, supervised participation in our private Facebook discussion group.

*Note: Calls will be recorded but are not meant to substitute for live attendance. You will be asked to sign a release form.

2024 Schedule:

Call time: TBD (we’ll set the time together between Noon – 10 PM USA Central Time based on the time zones of participants)

Call days: 2nd & 4th Fridays (or Saturday mornings in Australia)

2024 Coaches Training Fee*: $6300/year (save $300) or $550/mo.

*Note: Your payment for prerequisites Basic Coaching Skills Course and Mastery Class 201 will be credited toward your Coaches Training fee. To discuss an alternate payment structure, Contact Us.

Contact Us to be added to the early notification list for our next Coaches Training starting in January 2024.


Beyond Graduation: Advanced Training Options

[learn_more caption=”Private Language of Listening® Coaches Network Community:”]

When you complete your Coaches Training, you will be invited to join our free Language of Listening® Coaches Network Community on Facebook. Like your previous FB discussion group, you can use this group to provide coaching support for each other as you share your successes, challenges, insights, and breakthroughs in parenting, personal growth, and your professional growth as an Authorized LoL Coach, if you’ve taken that step.

You do not have to be active as an LoL Coach to participate in this group. Active LoL Coaches are welcome to share challenging client situations (keeping your clients anonymous) as well as testimonials since those will challenge and inspire us all.

You are also welcome to discuss your LoL business challenges, tips, and successes since each success increases the value of the LoL brand, which benefits us all. You can also brainstorm new LoL projects and find other LoL coaches with similar interests who may want to partner with you. Since the group will include coaches with a wide range of experience, together we can find a way to make any dream possible! That’s the gift of the LoL Coaches Network.

Prerequisite: Graduate of our Coaches Training or previous Instructor’s Training Program

[learn_more caption=”REGISTER for Coaches Network Call Series:”]

If you would like to continue exploring Language of Listening® concepts and applications live with a focus on our Core Principles, you can register for our 2023 Coaches Network Call Series. 

      • One Zoom conference group call per month (approx 1.5 hours) led by me or one of our Authorized Coaches
      • 1st Series: January through June (6 months)
      • 2nd Series: July through October (4 months)
      • Calls will be recorded and shared with group members
      • Call time: Third Friday of each month*, 1:00 PM Central Time (*except October: 2nd Friday)
      • $35/month OR need-based scholarship $10/mo.

Prerequisite: Graduate of our Coaches Training (or our previous Instructor Training Program)


2023 Coaches Network Call Series for graduates of our Coaches Training 

1st Series: January through June (6 months)

      • Call time: Third Friday of each month, 1:00 PM Central Time
      • $35/month (6 x $35 = $210)
        OR need-based scholarship $10/month (6 x $10 = $60)

Register now: 


       Refund policy         

2nd Series: July through October (4 months)

      • Call time: Third Friday of each month*, 1:00 PM Central Time (*except October: 2nd Friday)
      • $35/month (4 x $35 = $140)
        OR need-based scholarship $10/month (4 x $10 = $40)

Register now:


       Refund policy         



These are the kinds of results working with me helps you produce:

Rachel Macy Stafford“Sandy, I have been so pleased with my ability to respond to readers lately with the insights you have taught me [via email correspondence]. I wouldn’t have known what to say a year ago, but you have empowered me. One mom wrote back saying that she cried so hard by reading my coaching and thought I was right. I had helped her see herself in a new way. I cannot thank you enough for equipping me to help people even more!” — Rachel Macy Stafford, New York Times Bestselling author of the Hands Free Mama book series and

Tracy Cutchlow, Parent Coach“I spent hundreds of hours researching brain development, child psychology, and positive parenting for my evidence-based parenting book. When I came across Language of Listening, I was amazed by how simply it encapsulated so much of that research. I started practicing it immediately with my 3-year-old. Language of Listening was so effective at ending power struggles with my child—just for starters — that I edited my book to include it. Later, I jumped at the chance to become a licensed coach. When I speak about Language of Listening at conferences, people say it’s their favorite session. When parents and teachers ask me for advice, they say they’re encouraged and inspired. Best of all, they get results. If you coach parents or teach children, you’re already making the world a better place. You won’t find a more powerful program to help you do it.” —  Tracy Cutchlow, author of the international bestseller Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science and

Lauren Tamm, Parent Coach“I talk about you and my Language of Listening training all the time in a small tribe of 5 bloggers. I was so CRAZY excited when one of them told me they signed up for a coaching session with you that I gushed about you for a good 10 minutes. I realized how often I talk about you, but that I don’t really tell you directly: you are one of the most influential people in my life. I often contemplate if you are the MOST influential person to-date. Language of Listening is the framework for my life, and it’s woven into everything I do. I think about it always. The words I frequently use to describe you and this program are pure gold and genius. I’m so thankful I found you!” — Lauren Tamm, author of

“I’ve only been in the Coaching Group two months and already know that I want to do Level II next year. My husband won’t even stop talking about Language of Listening®, and I’m not blowing smoke about that. He really sees how it’s made a big difference with us, and it even resonates with him as an adult. He feels so validated and works really hard to do it with our kids even though it doesn’t come natural.”

2 years after completing our Coaches Training: “I can absolutely see I changed forever. I’m not drawn into debates or gossip, etc. because I can so clearly see both sides. It’s really freeing for me in that way!” — Rachel Norman, author of

“I had wanted things to be so different for my kids. I wanted them to have a loving, predictable mom they could depend on for emotional support and feelings of safety. I wanted to give them something I never had and I thought that “want” would be enough.​ The want was important, but I also needed tools. I didn’t even know if the tools I wanted existed. And then one day I came across a sweet lady named Sandy and her website. The way she spoke about honoring the greatness in children, and how to hold boundaries with great love, as protection instead of punishment gave me HOPE.​

Sandy helped me turn things around for my kids, and for myself. And I was ecstatic the day she welcomed me in to her coaches’ training. Learning the tools from her model (Language of Listening®) got me reconnected to myself and a wisdom I didn’t even know I had, it began to lift the fear and the overwhelm, and it taught me how to speak to my children when I saw behavior I liked and when I saw behavior I didn’t like >>> And, to my joy, that way of speaking always built them up! Sandy’s model is a model that brings out the greatness in kids, and in moms, too, and now I get to share ALL of these wonderful ways to experience motherhood with my clients!” — Rosemary Clark, author of Love the Way You Parent website. 

“When I was looking for parent training, I was looking for specific things like what to do if a child does this… Language of Listening® is way more than that. It goes to a deeper level to solve the original problem, the source.

I enrolled in the Coaches Training program because I love the Language of Listening® approach. At first, I doubted my ability to become a coach since I felt that I was not good enough. The coaching model has taught me to listen. Now, I can listen to myself, my kids, and anyone. That sounds crazy but true! This coaching program has helped me to connect to myself and know who I really am. I have been good enough from the beginning!

Listening for greatness allows me to coach myself, adults… just anyone. Making others right gives me different ways to see myself, my kids, and even the world. Meanwhile, I am always able to find possibilities I love. At the very end of the training, a breakthrough I had about kids caring changed my perspective 180 degrees. Parenting is no longer lose-lose or even win-lose, it can be win-win, really!

After the training, I see things differently. I am more aware of who I am and more confident to face future challenges! I feel so lucky and thankful to have found Language of Listening® and be part of it.” — Chia-Ying Chang, author of Inside Chia blog (for Chinese-speaking parents).

Angelika Wetter, Parent Coach“I feel how much I have grown with my kids in this relatively short time, and it just feels great! All of this would never have been possible without your powerful guidance and support! I´m deeply thankful for all of this! The experience of working with you and the wonderful people in the Coaching Group has given me a deeper confidence and more stability when things get challenging. Thanks to all of you, I have experienced that we can work it out, and I don´t have to get stuck again.” — Angelika Wetter, Argentina

Julia Kurskaya, Parent Coach“Taking part in the 2-year Coaches Training program was a life-changing experience! It was so good to feel heard and understood! I saw such deep changes in the relationship with my kids as we went through the Mastery I & II class (Playtime and Play Patterns)! The YOU class and working with likes, wants and rules has led to some huge aha moments for me. Now I am much more aware of who I am and what I believe. I have gained a new look at my life, and I am fascinated to see so many possibilities in front of me!” — Julia Kurskaya, Russia

Zuzana Macková, Parent Coach“Before I started the two year Coaching Training with Sandy, little I knew of what a huge impact it would have not only on my own life, but the life of my whole family and all the relationships I am creating each and every day.

To be honest, I was only searching for some tips on how to approach my sons in a loving and respectful way during challenging moments. What I found throughout those two years of Sandy`s genuine leading and a huge support of the small closed group of amazing, wise human beings is, that even in challenging moments one can be respectful to the self and the other, that it is possible to hold the space for fulfilling your own needs and at the same time the needs of your loved ones.

Through all those conversations we had, all thoughts we shared and exercises we did, I was coming closer and closer to my center, true self. Acting from my centered self allows me to listen without judgment and respond instead of react. I can step out from my learned reactions, skip all the assumptions and truly listen with an opened heart and mind.

What left me in awe was the fact that through my changed communication and listening, my husband was changing his communication and listening without me even telling him.

I recommend this training to all parents, teachers and coaches who wish to create deep, respectful and meaningful relationships. Who are willing to reach another level of listening, being and understanding. To all of you who have the courage to look deep inside yourself and reconnect with your true, powerful, centered self. This training creates a space for you to make a difference in your life and the life of the community you live in.” — Zuzana Macková, author of

Contact Us now to set up an interview to join our 2024 Coaches Training Program.