Simple Coaching Skills
for Parents and Teachers

The Importance of Validation

The Importance of Validation

The Importance of Validation

Compassion Between Children

Validation by SAYing WHAT YOU SEE (SWYS) is one of the simplest and most effective coaching skills. This is true in any interpersonal situation, but especially with kids.

I was at a restaurant recently where a large family had gathered for a birthday celebration.  It was the end of the meal, and a little girl (about 4) was running around the table and playing. Suddenly she tripped and fell down, then burst into tears. Her mom went over to her and began to comfort her.

Meanwhile, another family member asked the waiter to take a group photo. Seeing this, the mom picked up the little girl, who was still crying, and carried her over. They all posed for the picture, and the mom and dad tried to get their daughter to smile by saying, “You’re OK,” and “Smile!” and tickling her. However, the girl was still  upset, and the picture was taken with a crying child in the front still trying to prove her tears were justified.

I know the parents of this little girl had two goals: 1) for the child to stop crying and smile for the photo and 2) for it to happen quickly, so as not to inconvenience anyone. Often, children will calm themselves, given enough time. They just need to express their emotions fully before they can move on. In a situation like this, however, where allowing a crying spell isn’t an option, validation can really help expedite things.

Most of the time, being heard is all a child needs to feel fully self-expressed. Once the communication is complete, the child no longer has to demonstrate her feelings through her actions. Meeting the child’s need for power by putting her in the lead at the end makes it easy for her to cooperate.

Mom (SWYS): You fell down! You didn’t like that!


Child: (cries)


Dad (SWYS): You’re very upset. Looks like you might be hurt.


Child: (shakes head no, continues crying)


Dad (SWYS): You just didn’t like that. It was unexpected and scary!


Child: (nods, calms down)


Mom (SWYS): “Looks like you are ready to join us, now. Show me where you want to stand.”

I saw a similar situation when a preschooler fell off of a picnic bench. The little boy started crying and went from person to person, all of whom said things like, “You’re OK!” ” You’re not hurt.” “You don’t need to cry,” until he found my dad who said, “You didn’t like that. It scared you!” The child instantly stopped crying, nodded and ran off to play.

The best part of using SAY WHAT YOU SEE to validate children is that you are modeling compassion and understanding which helps them effortlessly build their own “people skills” tool kit. Children who are validated naturally validate others.

I know there are definitely moments in my life where a little understanding went a long way. Can you think of a time in your life when someone’s understanding and validation helped you cope with something difficult?

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